
Why is this important? If you do something for long enough it becomes a habit, whether beneficial or not. Think about it for a moment though: If you’ve bitten your nails for years with no real benefit in doing so then it can be hard to break that...

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Finding yourself
Finding yourself

Last week we looked at reflections as opposed to resolutions. This week I want to outline why therapy can be so insightful for those struggling with feelings of low self-esteem and feeling lost or adrift. This quote really captures the essence of...

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Every week we have read how hard the year has been with the virus and its huge impact on the world. There isn’t much more I can add to how horrendously it has impacted upon day-to-day life and the things we perhaps previously took for granted...

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December self-care
December self-care

For many of us it’s been a tough time with family members perhaps in differing tiers to us, lockdown number 2 and a general sense of enough is enough, yet still mustering the energy to keep safe and keep healthy by following the guidelines...

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Work day blues
Work day blues

You’re setting off for work feeling: Angry; Frustrated; and Anxious You’ve: Slept badly, and Forgotten to finish something yesterday that was urgent You’re: Dreading work; Expecting a repetitive day; Second guessing the conversations for the day...

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