Health anxiety
Health anxiety

In a world that feels quite unsettled currently, it seems relevant to discuss health anxiety as an issue this week. Not surprisingly the recent virus has caught the eye of many clients and non-clients right now, but I’d like to generalise the...

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Co-dependency means that you need and rely upon seeking approval from another person to validate yourself. You receive a compliment from someone you are close to, it feels good, and who doesn’t like feeling good? If you find this is a repeat...

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There is a lot of stigma attached to self-harm and as such, the issue is largely misunderstood. Having worked with clients from ages 16 to 70+ I can say with confidence that self-harm is not discriminatory in who can be affected by it. When the...

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I read an interesting story this morning about an eagle given an easy life by its owner; food all around it and it didn’t have to fly any more- fed, watered, cared for and no need to exercise- this eagle’s living the dream right?! A stranger...

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Accepting compliments
Accepting compliments

Have you ever been in a situation where you know you’ve done a good job, been told as much, but found you instantly brush that compliment under the carpet? Are you told: ‘you’re special,’ ‘you mean a lot to me,’ ‘you’re important,’ but none of...

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Time to Talk
Time to Talk

6 February is the annual Time to Talk day, where the organisation Time to Change encourages mental health to be spoken about openly and transparently, in an attempt to knock down the walls surrounding mental health stigma. I’d like to focus on it...

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Sleep can cause mental health problems, and mental health problems can cause sleep disturbances; reading this highlights a vicious circle and that the need for us to self-care couldn’t be clearer. Benefits of quality sleep: Improved daily...

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First Impressions
First Impressions

I come to write this today off the back of a client review session, where although I’m changing the phrasing, I was told I’d been written off before I’d even been met by said client. This was less to do with my abilities, the counselling setting...

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Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety

We can sometimes be uncomfortable in social situations, whether it’s in a large group, people we don’t know, starting a new job, dating or being introduced to a friend’s friend. Sometimes it’s down to how we feel that day, what’s going on for us...

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